Terra Incognita No. 38
44 “ x 44”
Oil mixed media on Canvas

Terra Incognita No. 40
44 “ x 44”
Oil mixed media on Canvas

Terra Incognita No. 244
24“ x 24”
Oil mixed media on Canvas

Terra Incognita No. 3
5“ x 5”
Pastel mixed media on paper

Terra Incognita No. 37
44 “ x 44”
Oil mixed media on Canvas

Terra Incognita No. 2403
24 “ x 24”
Oil mixed media on Canvas

Terra Incognita No. 16
12“ x 12”
Oil mixed media on Canvas

Terra Incognita No. 45
44 “ x 44”
Oil mixed media on Canvas

Terra Incognita No. 2410
24“ x 24”
Oil mixed media on Canvas

Terra Incognita No. 17
12“ x 12”
Oil mixed media on Canvas

Maps to the Unknown No. 11
5“ x 5”
Pastel mixed media on paper
For many years, my interests have been related to metaphysics, geometry, the ancestral, the evolutionary process, and all forms of spirituality. In the “Terra Incognita” series I continue to use spirals and geometric shapes that have a strong archetypal context, serving as guiding threads in my abstract expression. And I have also introduced new materials – including natural fibers, cotton paper, and sand – as a way of discovering new pathways to express the existential process.
Allegorically, in the process of expressing my artwork, I compare the imprints left on the canvas, as those left on the “map of our existence” which are related to our own actions, and are always creating new routes: maps that lead us into the unknown, into the “Terra Incognita.”