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The Magic of the Forms No.1143 

45” x 45”

Oil on Canvas  


The Magic of the Forms No. 1144 

45” x 45”

Oil on Canvas  


The Magic of the Forms No.53 

20” x 20 ”

Oil on canvas


The Magic of the Forms No. 1142 

45” x 45”

Oil on Canvas  


The Magic of the Forms No.1145 

45” x 45 ”

Oil on canvas


The Magic of the Forms No.52 

20” x 20 ”

Oil on canvas


The Magic of the Forms No 1141 

45” x 45”

Oil on Canvas  


The Magic of the Forms No.40  

12” x12”

Oil on canvas


“Symbols reflect a force, an invisible energy, an idea.  Its expression and inner content, correspond to each other in perfect harmony.


There is a well-known legend that speaks about the seashells as being the conservators of the sounds of the sea.  This propagation is carried out in an undulating form in which the spiral is a symbol by excellence.   Additionally, we will add that this symbol is narrowly linked to the logarithm of the pentagram of the growth of the living beings –  which explains the spiral structure of the seashells and conches, as well as that of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that presides the genetic chain. . .


It is an extraordinary fact that the main symbols are repeated in a unanimous way in different moments and places in all countries around the world. … In each case they all correspond to a universal and unique archetype in which each culture has extracted its private symbols.” 

- Federico González

Spirals and many other geometric shapes found in the ocean are filled with strong energy forces that can direct us to connect to our core.   When carefully observed, we discover how each shape reaches its own boundaries following a specific path, retracting to its origins, and perpetually renewing its structure.


Just as this cycle occurs in life/death/life processes, the spirals and archetypal forms found in sea- shells can lead us to renewal experiences and travel toward new inner horizons by using our intuition.


The symbols do not provide definitions or names; they act as intermediaries between the known and the unknown.


Seashells have a magical connotation. Their shapes evoke memories lost in time which cannot clearly be defined –  but conjure images of distant places, and sounds, tastes, and fragrances, which seem to have an essence, a communicating power, that brings pleasurable sensations of beauty, harmony and feelings of well-being.


Consciously it is not easy to detect the origin of these emotions and sensations that transcend understanding, but we may speak of the “hidden magic” contained in the forms and memories of childhood or perhaps of other dimensions that we ignore.


My paintings express my feelings and insights using forms from the sea as symbols and metaphors. I communicate the form’s lightness and ethereal essence, opening many possibilities of perception about the magic of their structures, the power of their symbolism, and archetypal influence.


I invite viewers to travel through this magical net of shapes and, using their intuition, discover their own feelings and perceptions.

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