Cultural Council biennial awards three top honors
May 18, 2023 BY JAN ENGOREN Florida Weekly Correspondent The Cultural Council for Palm Beach County’s Biennial exhibit brings together a...

The Spiritual Evolution to Abstract Art
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Charla Uniandinos Bogota,”Sobre la obra de Lucia Gómez”
1. Presentación EXPRESIONES ARQUETIPICAS La obra de LUCIA GOMEZ hace parte de una rica y continua tendencia de la pintura no-objetiva ...

About Lucía Gómez / Sobre Lucía Gómez
ARCHETYPAL EXPRESSIONS The art of LUCíA GÓMEZ is part of a rich tradition of non-objective painters who have striven to express a...
2012 Artslant Magazine Awards
Lucia Gómez QUICK FACTS Birthplace: Bogota Birth year:1946 Lives in Colombia Works in Bogota-Colombia Website http:///

Metaphysical Symbolism
Chicago Fine Art, posted by Chuck Gniech, professor of art and curator of Illinois Institute of Art, Chicago, Tuesday, June 23, 2009. “I...
Sobre Lucía Gómez
“Lucia Gomez se apoya en sus propias inquietudes, guarda fidelidad a sus vivencias y a través de sus óleos transporta al espectador a una...
Sobre Lucía Gómez
“El arte es un filón infinito. No se agota nunca. Y, cuando parece estar decaído, es capaz de renovarse absorbiendo la energía que guarda...